To understanding DPI or PPI which will be caused by resolution and image size is the key to your design success for printings such as Name card, Flyer, Wedding card and etc. Sometimes, you might wonder why your pictures don’t show enough good resolution? The reason that you need to know is between DPI or PPI which will create the image resolutions.

What is DPI?

DPI stands for (dots per inch), it refers to the number of physical ink-dots on the printer. Usually, they use DPI to describe PPI which stands for Pixels Per Inch. So, when you open an image on Adobe Illustrator and you see PPI which means the same as DPI.


Cr. https://snapshop.cam/dpi/

*Standard resolution for printing is 300DPI or more*

What is PPI?

PPI stands for Pixels Per Inch as we have mentioned above. It’s is the digital photo’s pixels dimension divided into the paper size to be printed. When you transfer to printing file, you will see PPI transfer DPI. So, that’s why both DPI and PPI mean the same for the picture pixels.


Normally, The resolution of the digital images is in between 67PPI - 300PPI. For printing, you need to choose the pictures that have more than 300PPI for the best quality printing.

The resolution of a digital photo is its pixels expressed as Megapixels (Mp). The horizontal pixel dimension of a photo multiplied by its vertical pixel dimension.


Should I use 72DPI or 300DPI for printing?

If you are still confused about 72DPI and 300DPI and which one should we use?

72 DPI is the standard DPI for the computer screen

300 DPI is the standard DPI for quality printing

For the printing, if you want the best quality printing or you want a very high image resolution, please don’t forget to choose the images that have more than 300DPI for high-quality printing.  

dpi or ppi

How to check PPI or DPI of the picture?

Since most of the people use Adobe Illustrator to design printings because it is the perfect tool to make the best design. Also, you can check the color mode and change the resolution through this program without any costs.

dpi or ppi

First, make sure that you change the option next to Search Adobe Stock to “Printing” to see the resolution of the image.  

Once, you clicked on the picture you will see DPI or PPI which means the same. As you can tell, even bigger the pictures are, even more, the higher resolutions you will get.

If the pictures still show RGB, don’t forget to change it to CMYK for printing. You can choose File > Document Color Mode > CMYK color and done!


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The conclusion: DPI refers to Dots Per Inch which will show on printing and PPI refers to Pixels Per Inch which will see on the screen. The images that you will for printings, you need to choose the pictures that have resolutions more than 300DPI for high-quality printings.